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WordPress 5.7 provides safeguarding with one click

Converting your website from HTTP to HTTPS has never been as easy. Building a brand new website and upgrading the security from HTTP to HTTPS will become so much easier with the new release of WordPress CMS. WordPress has named its 5.7 release “Esperanza” this release has been named after the musical genius Esperanza Spalding. […]

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HTTPS Encrypted

Why Are SSL Certificates Important 2

Continuing from our last blog, we have provided some more information about SSL certificates and why they are a crucial part of website security. SSL Encrypts Data The main reason why SSL’s are utilized is so data can be encrypted and only the intended user can access the data. This is crucial as information sent […]

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Are SSL Certificates Important?

An SSL certificate can be classified as the core of secure Internet with capabilities to protect data that is stored on a website across the whole of the Internet. An SSL certificate is an essential part of protecting a website’s sensitive data even if the website in question does not have any data held such […]

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WordPress ie11 support

WordPress Considers Dropping Support for IE 11

WordPress is seeking feedback as to whether they should consider canceling support for IE 11. Dropping support seems to only have its benefits as it will increase user experience and developers will find the WordPress platform easier to work with. Dropping IE11 support will free up a lot more time for WordPress developers, and it […]

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