WordPress SEO Company UK

Located in the West Midlands

WordPress SEO Company UK

Plosion ® Web Design, located in the West Midlands, provide our SEO services on a no-contract basis, we are an SEO company with a difference. We do not tie you into any contracts, you simply keep funds in your retainer on a monthly basis. We do this as we know we do a good job and get results, and in return, you will keep placing business with us. However, if you wish to place an SEO contract with us to guarantee our time on your company marketing efforts, we can deliver.

Industry sources show us that:

  • 90% of all the searches on the Internet are coming from Search Engines
  • 77% of all clicks are organic, rather than pay per click
  • SEO is the most cost-effective way of attracting traffic to your site

We Are Experienced In:

  • WordPress, WooCommerce & Magento SEO
  • Digital marketing
  • Ad campaigns
  • Web design
  • Content development
  • Link building

Our UK SEO Team

We are well established in the SEO arena, and currently are helping a diverse portfolio of clients, achieve realistic goals for their online presence. Our team of SEO experts has been chosen carefully to complement the SEO division with a variety of expert skills.

Local SEO

From £300 PM

National SEO

From £600 PM

Ecommerce SEO

From £600 PM

View our SEO product

Fixed Price SEO Plan

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which can be explained as the process that is involved in increasing a website’s organic search presence on the search engines.

What Processes Are Involved In SEO?

The fundermental aims of SEO are:

  • Quality of traffic. A website needs quality traffic in order to be sucsessful on the Internet. Quality traffic can be deemed as people visiting your website because they are looking for a product or service that is listed on the website
  • Quantity of traffic. This is a way of increasing the number of people visiting a website
  • Organic results. Organic results are the free listings seen on the search engines as opossed to the adverts

SEO Explained

Google has a software bot called Google Spider, this spider is sent out frequently to crawl web pages on the search engine to collect data. The data it gathers is ran through a multitude of algorithms, these algorithms determine the search engine index. Once this process has been completed the web page will be placed on the index, and matched to end user related search queries.

On Page Optimisation

Plosion ® Web Design have a dedicated department who provide an SEO service called on page optimisation. This process entails a thorough audit of the web pages presented to us, to make sure they adhere to the search engine guidelines. Once the audit has been performed we can then fix the problems that have arisen, or enhance the efforts that have already been made. During this process we will also research the best keywords to implement in the websites copy, these keywords will be researched with an outcome of pointing high quality traffic to the website, in turn helping the business convert traffic to the website successfully.

Other On Page Optimisation Services:

  • Optimisation of multimedia
  • Design alteration
  • Copywriting
  • Content editing
  • Branding
  • Rebranding
  • Site architecture
  • Meta-tagging

Off Page Optimisation

The biggest off page optimisation service we provide is link building. Outbound links are thought of by the search engines as trust values, they rank a website higher in the SERPS if they have high quality links pointing to them, this is called domain authority. Search engines find these links via a Spider bot, this bot is continually checking for site architecture changes.

Linking lets search engines determine how other web pages are linking, and whether the links are subject related. By utilizing link building, we can help a website achieve higher page rankings on the search engines for its chosen keywords. As an SEO company in the UK, all link building campaigns are built to your specific requirements.

Other off page optimisation techniques:

  • Infographics
  • Marketing for social media
  • Maintenance

Search engine optimisation is a continous process, this is because the search engines such as Google are constantly updating their algorithms, and also because your competition are always optimising their websites to increase their search presence.

SEO Campaign UK

Does your website face high competition in the search engines, then your site will need an SEO campaign. This will ensure your site will have a strong chance of been listed high in the search engine rankings.

What Is Involved In An SEO Campaign?

Your website will undergo a strict site audit, this will check your website for technical on page discrepancies such as:

  • An audit of your website’s content
  • Keyword research
  • Content will be written to fit in with your company ethos
  • Images will be chosen to style your web pages
  • Infographics will be designed on graphic design software
  • Internal links will be created to help boost authority on certain pages
  • Google search console will be integrated
  • Backlinks will be located to help Google recognise your website as an authority site
  • Articles will be written to keep your website updated

Plosion ® Web Design are always up to date with Google’s updates, and guidelines. We are quite different to most other SEO companies in the UK, as our founder oversees all of the SEO campaigns we take on. His 11 years of experience in SEO will be implemented on your website, thus increasing your search engine results, and increasing your business growth year on year.

As a business owner, you will be quite aware that high online visibility for your website, will lead to increased sales and or brand awareness. Our SEO campaigns are transparent and ethical, as stated above we only adhere to the Google SEO guidlines, this ensures the websites we work on will not be penalised in the future. Our SEO campaigns run for the long term, we do not offer quick fixes.

SEO Updates


Google Fred was released in March, 2017. This update was developed to combat low quality content web pages, that have been designed to give a reader no value.


The Hummingbird update was implemented in August, 2013. This update helps to translate semantic search. For example, if a searcher on Google is looking for a plumber, the search engine will list a set of local plumbers, enabaling the searcher to contact either one of the plumbers listed. Rather than unrelated data, the searcher is not looking for.


Launched July 2014, the Google Pigeon update is a local search update, which provides more accurate results. Google has said that this update improves its distance and location result framework.


RankBrain, released on October 26, 2015, is a Google update that uses a machine learning artificial intelligence system to help process its search results. RankBrain is reported to be part of the core of the Hummingbird algorithm.


The Possum update released September 01, 2016, is an update designed to help businesses that fall just outside of a city to rank better on Google Local Business.

Google Bert

The BERT update released in October 2019, impacts 10% of websites on the Google search engine. Bert is an update to help people who are searching on Google enter a more natural search term as opposed to a robot sentence. For example; where “for” and “to” are an important part of the search. The BERT algorithm (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is an intelligent learning algorithm configured to a more natural language output. It helps machines understand what natural human sentences mean, thus the importance for well written websites.


The Panda update, February 2011, was introduced to lower the rank of low quality sites – and place higher-quality sites higher in the listings. Panda checks website content, making sure the content is not of low quality. At the time Panda was introduced, the Internet was abundant in content farms. If a website recieves a Panda penalty for low-quality content and wants to recover, the website owner should revamp the poor content with new high-quality content.


Google Penguin was introduced in April 2012, to decrease the low-quality sites again. Penguin will penalize websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines by using unethical “black hat” SEO to include hidden text, link farms, and keyword stuffing.

7 SEO DIY Suggestions

Search engine optimisation can be summed up as an ongoing process, for one, your competition will always be optimising their website, so if you stop the SEO campaign on your website you will lose Google rankings for your keywords. Another, is because Google is always changing their algorithms so SEO can be quite fluid. If you are looking to implement SEO on your website yourself to start with, see our SEO starter checklist below.

SEO Starter Checklist:

  • Add your business website to Google My Business listing – https://www.google.com/business/how-it-works/
  • Add your website to Bing Places for Business – https://www.bingplaces.com
  • Write effective content for your website, to include keywords
  • Create social media accounts for your business, to include links to your website: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube
  • Add links back to your social media sites on your website
  • If you have a WordPress website, add the Yoast SEO plugin
  • Add your website to other major business directory sites such as Yell (make sure to include as much consistent information as possible)

Google My Business

Our SEO optimisation includes the correct configuration of your Google Local Business Listing. To do this we edit your Google My Business listing as follows.

  • Name, phone number, and address to be entered fully
  • Try to add photos of your team, and of course your office
  • Make sure that all fields are fully filled in, this will ensure Google sees your listing as an authority listing
  • Use your trading name in full, and make sure it is the same all over the web

Keyword Research

Keyword research is crucial for any SEO campaign, before writing or creating on-page SEO, we research your chosen keywords. Making sure these keywords have a good amount of search volume. We recruit various keyword planning tools, which give us the best data analysis insights to which keywords to use.

Mobile Friendly Configuration

A mobile friendly website should load and fit on a mobile device perfectly, and not so the website viewer has to pinch the screen and zoom in. The mobile viewing of the website should also be of good user experience, enabling the viewer to navigate with ease. Google has now changed its crawl status, and crawls mobile devices first, many website owners are now noticing increased views on mobile as opposed to desktop and laptop. We can audit your website to make sure it is configured to be mobile friendly.

  • Google indexes mobile search first on its search engine
  • Make sure user experience on mobile viewing is accessible
  • If you have a desktop and a mobile version, try to migrate into one platform


Our SEO services in the UK are charged on an ongoing retainer basis, we do not tie you into a contract.

How To Start

The best way to get started is to organise a list of the keywords you would like your website to show on the search engines for. We will then work on a no obligation monthly price for you, and list time scales we anticipate we can achieve high page rankings on the UK search engines.

SEO Overview

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is paramount in determining which websites you currently see high in the SERPS. The websites on page two of the search engines will recieve much less traffic than of those websites on page one. One of the reasons for this is because your prospects do not have the time to search lots of websites. So why would you want your website on page two of Google?

It is a fact that if your website cannot be found on Google, it is costing you money month in month out. You are effectivly giving your competitors that business.

To gain high rankings on the search engines, including Google, the website in question needs to be SEO’d to align with the search engine guidelines. A well optimised website will return an increase in revenue, and online presence.

To gain higher rankings on the search engines, you need the assistance of a SEO consultant.

WordPress SEO Company

Why is WordPress and WooCommerce the preferred SEO platform?

The WordPress platform is ahead of the competition, with paramount on page SEO elements, to include:

  • Coherent HTML markup — WordPress is mostly coded in PHP, however its HTML pages are easily understood by the search engines.
  • Permalinks that are SEO friendly — WordPress have coded its platform to allow bespoke permalinks to be added, this means pages and posts can have permanent URLs created that will be present for years to come, thus creating a hyperlink that is less suspectable to link rot.
  • H headings — The H heading are used to tell the search engines what your content is about, this can be classified as one of the most important factors of SEO. WordPress lets you configure the H tags without having to implement any coding.
  • Easy content creation — Content such as text, videos and images are very straightforward to add to the website, thanks to the simple to use WordPress CMS solution.
  • Optimized images — Another important SEO configuration is being able to add ALT tags, description, and more, this lets the owner of the website describe the image or what the image is representing, thus creating a more user friendly website for people who are visually impaired, and use screen readers when browsing the Internet.
  • Optimized for mobile – Due to the massive increase of web page viewing on mobile devices WordPress is optimized for mobile as standard.
  • Social media sharing – WordPress allows you to add share buttons to your website so you can easly share content on the social media platforms, you can add a social media feed, and you can automate social media campaigns.

These WordPress SEO features are all standard in the core product (apart from social media sharing). Further to the standard features, there are a lot of aftermarket products that can be installed to the WordPress platform to help improve WordPress SEO campaigns.

SEO call back form

If you would like one of our SEO consultants to give you a call regarding your website SEO efforts, please fill in the form below.

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    Please inquire via our contact page for more information

    On Page SEO

    On page SEO includes writing effective meta tags, URL’s, UX and more.

    Article Creation

    Effective article creation and landing pages will be created to attract natural links.

    Link Building

    Relevant websites and editorials will be sourced and linked to your website, along with other high-quality strategies.

    Social Signals

    Social signals are categorised as important signals for the SERP’s, we will manage your social networking sites.