Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird Google introduced a search engine algorithm back in September 2013, called the “Hummingbird”. This algorithm concentrates on presenting up to date relevant web pages when searched for via the Google search engine. Google’s spokesperson Matt Cutts released a statement to the press notifying that the algorithm change would affect 90% of all searches. This […]

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Google Update

Google Brewing Another Update There is a lot of chatter on the SEO blogs that a Penguin update is coming to take another look at everybody’s links again! We can all see there have been some fluctuations in the SERPS recently, a little bit of a storm brewing maybe? From looking over recent data on, we […]

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Google Algorithm

Google Algorithm Updates Every once in a while, Google will update their search criteria, this will, in turn, have effects on the Google SERPS. Plosion Web Design has created this Google update blog to help you keep up to date with the ever changing Google digital scenery. What are we looking out for, well Google […]

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